Montag, 8. April 2013

Third Letter to Justin

Dear Justin,
just saw the news on German TV... They are always telling bad things about you and I am so sad, that I can't stop them... Some Beliebers want to go and strike infront of the RTL building but I think, it's nonsense.. Everyone will only see the "stupid crazy Beliebers" and noone will see the Beliebers that stand by you, no matter what... 

Of course they show, that they love you and everything but, I mean... why does it HAVE to be like that? Sometimes (actually nearly all the time) the media are just telling too much. Being late for a concert is.. not cool okay but if they don't know why, why do they spread rumors all around? 

I just.. don't get it. 
But there are some more things I want to tell you: 
Sometimes I feel like noone understands me. My friend wants me to strike with her and she doesn't understand that I don't want to, because I think it is more important to support you than annoying some TV people... I think I'd do better writing those letters to you (hoping you read them one day...) and supporting you on twitter.. I am one of the guys who don't ask for a follow back. I wish you'd follow me but I don't want to be a spammer because we have enough of them on twitter. I am always tweeting you to have fun and to have a great show. 
Write to you soon.. 


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