Freitag, 5. April 2013

Never let them bring you down!

I know, everything sounds easy when they say it. "Never say never" "Believe" "Never let them bring you down" ... Yeah. But one day you can't be strong anymore! 
About an hour ago I got to know, that people in Dortmund (where Justin hat a show today) started to boo on him and I really can't understand that! It makes me feel sick how "beliebers" dump their "idol"..
Justin is a human! He has FEELINGS and makes mistakes too! Why do you do that to him? Why do you do that to me?! 

I also heard, that today "Beliebers" left, because the hairflip is back and they didn't like it.. Why do you f*cking call yourself BELIEBERS?! BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE, BECAUSE YOU WERE THERE FROM THE START!
My hands are so cold that I can hardly type... I am so mad... And everything I want to know is WHY?! 
I actually start to hate people, because they can not see, that Justin is a human... HUMAN! And guess what?! A HUMAN IS NOT PERFECT! START BOOING WHEN YOU ARE PERFECT -.-

Dear Justin, 
Never ever let them bring you down! Do what you love: sing, dance, play the guitar... Make music! 
Do your thing! I know, it's hard.. But you know, that there are still true Beliebers, who love you and who really love your music..
I love music and I am proud to say, that music really is my life.. I know, there are a lot of people who say, that music is their life but.. Do they really know, what they say? I'm sitting in my room, singing all day, playing the guitar... 
I just got to know you cried backstage... This makes me so sad.. I'd love to just be there and give you a big hug.. everything makes me so sad.. I am here for you.. I would like to be the person who waits backstage, gives you a high five after the show and say "Hey man! Great show! Let's go skating tomorrow and after that I will help you with your new song"... I would like to be your best friend, who helps you and who is with you everytime you need her... 
I am so sorry, that I am German.. I am so so so sorry, that I can't do anything for you... I am here, alone... You are there.. You seem to have a lot of people around you but I think you are alone too... 
I don't know how and why but... I miss you... 


Update: As I just heard Justin is fine today.. omg! I worried about him a lot but.. I don't really believe that he is THAT fine...

1 Kommentar:

  1. Justin, we will never let you alone! <3 we will always be there for you! <3

