Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

Rumors and Hate.

Dear Justin,

I have heard a lot of rumors during the last weeks.. I hope some are true and some are not.. I would love a Jelena-Comeback. You seemed to be made for each other and I really loved and supported you and Selena.. 
Then I heard about the drugs on your bus.. I hope this is just a rumor or whatever.. Actually you are 19 years old and you know what to do and what not to. I can't tell you what is right and what is wrong.. So I wont say anything about it exept the fact that I hope this is not true or the drugs belong to someone else. 
All the hate during the last couple of weeks is nearly killing me. I do not really understand why so many Beliebers are hating on Selena and everything.. And I always read things like "I miss the old Justin" "Justin what happened to you?" ... Yeah.. You were late for some concerts.. Yeah.. not everything you do is AWESOME but hey.. You are a teenager. You are young and we are young to make mistakes and learn. So why shouldn't you make mistakes, see where your limits are..? 
But there is something that really pisses me off: the "new" BELIEBERS... Beliebers, who start to hate on each other, to hate on the OLLGs and everything and call them "Fake Beliebers" even if they don't know them.. Yep guys. Very mature. Justin if you only knew, what some "Beliebers" are saying against others... 
Why should some Beliebers be fake? Because they weren't there from "My World" and started to like you with your new music with a deeper voice? Because they don't cry, scream and faint when they see you? Because they don't know who Avalanna or Bruce is? 
Yeah.. not everyone can now every single thing about you.. And I am sure, that there is a hidden side of you, that your Beliebers (actually me included) don't know.. But do they wanna know? 
Justin... If you every read this please tell Beliebers what happened.. Not only you changed. We changed too.. And we became bad.. What happened to the family who was fangirling, voting like crazy, watching your videos like crazy.. What happened? 
It seems like they became warriors. 

Dear Beliebers,

If your ever read this please think about the text... I don't want anyone to feel offended but I HAD to say this.. We are here for Justin, for the music... not for hating each other. 
Beliebers who like new songs more than older ones are not "fake". 
Being a Belieber is not about having a room full of posters and everything... It is also not about liking ALL songs and everything Justin does. 
Being a Belieber is about supporting Justin, helping him through hard times (like right now), fangirling together, being a family...
Just think about it and maybe try to make a change... 



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