Montag, 10. Februar 2014

Dear Justin

In 20 days you will be 20 years old... big step for you and for us beliebers. Some guys are stille like "justin is gonna be 16 right?"
I love them ;D because they (i am one of them) loved you before you were "super extremely hot" and everything. We loved you from when you were cute and singing One Time ;)
So so so so cute. I miss those times but i like the fact that you're growing up.
I hope the scandals, the hate and the rumors will get less and the media will leave you alone... otherwise.. i think TMZ and others won't survive much longers. Beliebers know how to handle fire (if u know what i mean ;) ).
We will love you and we will stay forever. No matter what.
Much love,

Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

Rumors and Hate.

Dear Justin,

I have heard a lot of rumors during the last weeks.. I hope some are true and some are not.. I would love a Jelena-Comeback. You seemed to be made for each other and I really loved and supported you and Selena.. 
Then I heard about the drugs on your bus.. I hope this is just a rumor or whatever.. Actually you are 19 years old and you know what to do and what not to. I can't tell you what is right and what is wrong.. So I wont say anything about it exept the fact that I hope this is not true or the drugs belong to someone else. 
All the hate during the last couple of weeks is nearly killing me. I do not really understand why so many Beliebers are hating on Selena and everything.. And I always read things like "I miss the old Justin" "Justin what happened to you?" ... Yeah.. You were late for some concerts.. Yeah.. not everything you do is AWESOME but hey.. You are a teenager. You are young and we are young to make mistakes and learn. So why shouldn't you make mistakes, see where your limits are..? 
But there is something that really pisses me off: the "new" BELIEBERS... Beliebers, who start to hate on each other, to hate on the OLLGs and everything and call them "Fake Beliebers" even if they don't know them.. Yep guys. Very mature. Justin if you only knew, what some "Beliebers" are saying against others... 
Why should some Beliebers be fake? Because they weren't there from "My World" and started to like you with your new music with a deeper voice? Because they don't cry, scream and faint when they see you? Because they don't know who Avalanna or Bruce is? 
Yeah.. not everyone can now every single thing about you.. And I am sure, that there is a hidden side of you, that your Beliebers (actually me included) don't know.. But do they wanna know? 
Justin... If you every read this please tell Beliebers what happened.. Not only you changed. We changed too.. And we became bad.. What happened to the family who was fangirling, voting like crazy, watching your videos like crazy.. What happened? 
It seems like they became warriors. 

Dear Beliebers,

If your ever read this please think about the text... I don't want anyone to feel offended but I HAD to say this.. We are here for Justin, for the music... not for hating each other. 
Beliebers who like new songs more than older ones are not "fake". 
Being a Belieber is not about having a room full of posters and everything... It is also not about liking ALL songs and everything Justin does. 
Being a Belieber is about supporting Justin, helping him through hard times (like right now), fangirling together, being a family...
Just think about it and maybe try to make a change... 



Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

Just a short Update via Mobile phone

Dear Justin...
Please don't let you real smile fade.
I know your smile is not always real but it is important for your soul that you keep the real smile in your heart.. ♥

Montag, 8. April 2013

Third Letter to Justin

Dear Justin,
just saw the news on German TV... They are always telling bad things about you and I am so sad, that I can't stop them... Some Beliebers want to go and strike infront of the RTL building but I think, it's nonsense.. Everyone will only see the "stupid crazy Beliebers" and noone will see the Beliebers that stand by you, no matter what... 

Of course they show, that they love you and everything but, I mean... why does it HAVE to be like that? Sometimes (actually nearly all the time) the media are just telling too much. Being late for a concert is.. not cool okay but if they don't know why, why do they spread rumors all around? 

I just.. don't get it. 
But there are some more things I want to tell you: 
Sometimes I feel like noone understands me. My friend wants me to strike with her and she doesn't understand that I don't want to, because I think it is more important to support you than annoying some TV people... I think I'd do better writing those letters to you (hoping you read them one day...) and supporting you on twitter.. I am one of the guys who don't ask for a follow back. I wish you'd follow me but I don't want to be a spammer because we have enough of them on twitter. I am always tweeting you to have fun and to have a great show. 
Write to you soon.. 


Freitag, 5. April 2013

Never let them bring you down!

I know, everything sounds easy when they say it. "Never say never" "Believe" "Never let them bring you down" ... Yeah. But one day you can't be strong anymore! 
About an hour ago I got to know, that people in Dortmund (where Justin hat a show today) started to boo on him and I really can't understand that! It makes me feel sick how "beliebers" dump their "idol"..
Justin is a human! He has FEELINGS and makes mistakes too! Why do you do that to him? Why do you do that to me?! 

I also heard, that today "Beliebers" left, because the hairflip is back and they didn't like it.. Why do you f*cking call yourself BELIEBERS?! BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE, BECAUSE YOU WERE THERE FROM THE START!
My hands are so cold that I can hardly type... I am so mad... And everything I want to know is WHY?! 
I actually start to hate people, because they can not see, that Justin is a human... HUMAN! And guess what?! A HUMAN IS NOT PERFECT! START BOOING WHEN YOU ARE PERFECT -.-

Dear Justin, 
Never ever let them bring you down! Do what you love: sing, dance, play the guitar... Make music! 
Do your thing! I know, it's hard.. But you know, that there are still true Beliebers, who love you and who really love your music..
I love music and I am proud to say, that music really is my life.. I know, there are a lot of people who say, that music is their life but.. Do they really know, what they say? I'm sitting in my room, singing all day, playing the guitar... 
I just got to know you cried backstage... This makes me so sad.. I'd love to just be there and give you a big hug.. everything makes me so sad.. I am here for you.. I would like to be the person who waits backstage, gives you a high five after the show and say "Hey man! Great show! Let's go skating tomorrow and after that I will help you with your new song"... I would like to be your best friend, who helps you and who is with you everytime you need her... 
I am so sorry, that I am German.. I am so so so sorry, that I can't do anything for you... I am here, alone... You are there.. You seem to have a lot of people around you but I think you are alone too... 
I don't know how and why but... I miss you... 


Update: As I just heard Justin is fine today.. omg! I worried about him a lot but.. I don't really believe that he is THAT fine...

Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

First Letter to Justin: How he changed me and my point of view...

Actually.. I don't really know how to start... 
Maybe this is not really a letter to Justin, but more a letter about him..
Everything started at a concert. 
BELIEVE TOUR, March 31st 2013, Berlin.
I couldn't realize that I really saw Justin. 
Everything seemed to be so unreal, HE seemed to be so unreal.. 
I wasn't able to believe that it was Justin Bieber. 
Justin Bieber who is on tv and in magazines.. and then I saw him... 
When he came in with big wings he seemed like he was a robot. 
During the whole concert I was like in Trance. Away in a world made of dreams.
You could feel the Belieber's dreams come true when Justin "flew" in, but I felt something different. 
To me Justin seemed to be not really happy this evening.. I couldn't see the shining pop star. 
I saw him and the boy who really became bigger and bigger with every year, but I also saw the hard-working, professional man and I thought that I wouldn't want to be him. 
Screaming girls everywhere and they all think they are in love with you. They don't even know you...

Before Justin sang 'Never Say Never' he said something that really touched me and I sunk into my chair and started crying like there was nothing more to do or to see. Justin continued his song. Of course... He was used to girls that cried over him and he didn't even notice me, but I never thought that the simple message of believing, never giving up and never letting anyone bring you down, would bring me to tears. My mom always told me to follow my dreams but Justin taught me to believe this evening... I don't know why... Everything he said totally suited my situation. I want to be a musician one day. I know there are many people who do... I know my chances are not THAT good, but since Justin told me to, I believe. "Never let anyone tell you that you could not be someone special or do something you want to do." or something like that he said... And I just sat there and cried. 
Not like the other girls who cried because they see their glamorous STAR JUSTIN BIEBER. No. I cried because at that moment I just realized, that he is a normal boy. He's not perfect but he made it to the top. He was little, he had to stand hate like I have to. But he made it through it all and he is big now. 
The media says that he holds his head higher and higher, but I know, that isn't true. He is a normal boy who wants to try new things... Maybe drink alcohol, smoke weed, whatever, to see where his limits are. 
And I just had the feeling, that I have to go on stage, hug him and tell him, that everything's gonna be alright... 
He is not unbreakable and sometimes I am really scared that he will breakdown one day like Britney Spears did. He needs a break. Justin is there for us, he gives everything and he works really hard but I know: Some Fans are able to see behind the curtain. And they see, that there is still this little normal boy from Canada, who sits backstage and plays his guitar to calm down before a concert... 
He needs real friends, who love and like him for the person he is, not the fame, the money and everything... 
I know he could maybe never be friends with a fan or a belieber but... 
Justin if you change your mind, if you need someone to talk to, who can keep secrets or who just makes you laugh: I'm right here :)
